
I try to climb a mountain

It's been a while.  I just got back from a couple of days of holiday in central Hunza.  I'll write more about those days, but here's the appetizer.
I finish work early and visit an apricot processing plant.
I walk up a windy gorge under a cloudy sky threatening rain and hear water running.
I look out the back of a moving Suzuki, feel rain drops and smell the samosas I'm about to buy
I get a ride home from a friend
I savour a few days off work
I look at the sun and try to climb a mountain with two Canadians, two Americans and a Brit
I learn to drink tea from the Brit in the Serena dining room looking out on Gilgit town and the space usually occupied by Rakaposhi, now sealed in with clouds.
I chill at my house.
I wake up late and make coffee.
I shoot hoops on my private court
I get the front seat of the van to Karimabad, next to an old man who grins up at me
I eat food at midday with my back turned to the fasters
I arrive in the town and hire a jeep
I step out on the edge of a mountain and gasp at the beauty of snow and ice-bound rock and azure sky and golden sun.
I look down at the valley spread out under me.  Under the irrigation line of thorn-bushes the earth is laced with golds and ambers and greens and Horatio's russet mantle pulled off the dawn and cut into ribbons.
I watch the gold on Spantik and shadows on the glacier and nearness of a 6000m granite spike hooking the last rays of the day.
I eat by myself, smiling at peace and solitude and the crisp air that greats me when
I step outside, dazzled by the milky way, more brilliant through the thinned air and
I sleep.
(I (will) try to post more picture on my Flickr page and hope that it works :)


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

hi jordan, finally i get ahold of your blog address and ravenously try to read every post but succeed only in consuming an hour of homework time. oh well, i can convince myself i'm doing research for my development classes. i feel like you're doing exactly what i wish i was: figuring out first-hand the questions about development and the numbing comfort of our NA world and where i should live and what i should do. not only that, but you write about it very beautifully. It's snowing large, leisurely flakes here, by the way.