
If things could go backwards

In this information age information itself is enough to entertain. The more information the more entertaining. I monitor activity on this blog through my free account on www.ewebcounter.com. and I can see who enters my website and how they found it and for how long they stayed. The site even tells me what country the hit originated in. That's how I know I've had hits in Sweden, Singapore, Norway and the Netherlands. The person in the Netherlands found my blog by searching for "karimabad+baltit" on google's blog search. I was happy to see that my blog was number four on the list of search results. Viewing hits on my website is almost more entertaining than writing posts for my blog (except when I'm posting about viewing stats on my blog!). Wow! Enough of that.

In my last post I almost got to the point where I could transition to talking about a great book that I just finished: "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close." I finished it a couple of weeks ago and am still reacting to it and processing the whole experience. The book has the same elusive quality as other books that have, for various reasons, resonated with me. I think of Mistry's "Family Matters". A great novel, in my humble opinion, gives takes you, for a fleeting moment (sometimes longer) to a vantage point where you see humanity from outside of it and suddenly encounter a truth about humanity or a facet of humanity, be it love, loss, hate, sorrow, injustice, redemption. It shines up at you like the flashlight of a familiar person on the street, far below, letting you know she's there.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

J - I'm glad you are blogging again. I wish I could write like you. Your image of a woman with a flashlight, letting you know she is there...is like a poem in a sentence. It made my day.